We are having an issue with filtering on catalog pages because a variant (XXL) that is not available is still shown in the filtered catalog page.
And when opening/refreshing the product page you can see that XXL is available for a second or two.
See screenshot on link below.
1. Chosen filters
2. Shown product that should not be shown with the chosen filters
3. The variants available on the product that do not match the chosen filters
Link to screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/AapeVir.jpg
Link to product page: https://skalkur.fo/product/gone-fishing-ut-shirt-11725/
Link to filtered catalog page: https://skalkur.fo/product-category/200/20001/?_wcf_filter=true&stc3b8dd=2062%2C3691%2C7418%2C2574%2C2575%2C2363%2C2576%2C2577%2C3719%2C2002%2C18459%2C3724%2C7700%2C2334&_paged=1