While trying to edit home or shop pages in conventional way without using wpbaker or elementor we get following error:
The editor has encountered an unexpected error.
This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
While trying to edit home or shop pages in conventional way without using wpbaker or elementor we get following error:
The editor has encountered an unexpected error.
1/ Enable debug mode in WordPress – https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/ to find out what error appears on your site, it will point you in the right direction what needs to be fixed.
2/ Please record a video for us of your actions.
3/ Provide temporary wp-admin access.
wp-admin access: Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role http://prntscr.com/s3rc9m > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area http://prntscr.com/s5mao7 You can use any email for it.
We have shared the details.
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks for wp-admin access.
Please provide us with a video of your actions and the problem.
Other pages can be edited without the problem?
Have you enabled the debug mode? If not, provide us with FTP access, so we can do it for you.
One more important test we want to ask you to do:
How does it work when the default WC theme – Storefront is activated on your site?
It is important to check if the problem persists with the default theme to find out if it comes from the theme or from something else. Go to Appearance > Themes > install and activate the Storefront theme.
Widgets could be messed up after switching, so open the Appearance > Widgets tab before switching to be able to move the widgets to the correct area after switching back.
I have taken a video of my actions but there is no place here to attach the video file.
Only Pages with Elementor cannot be edited.
I have inserted the debug code in my wp-config file. But I don’t know where to see the errors.
I have tried installing Storefront theme and once installed I can edit all Elementor Page conventional way. But when xstore theme is activated I cannot edit the same pages.
Please let me know.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @Basata,
Thank you very match for the detailed answer.
Please use one of the filesharing services (for example – https://dropmefiles.com.ua/en/ ) to upload the video and provide URL via the Private Content area.
Hi, We have uploaded the file. Please check the url.
Hello @Basata,
Thank you for the video.
I’ve repeated your actions and do not see the problem – https://prnt.sc/q8BK3LelbUGB (XStore theme is activated, checked via Chrome browser). What browser do you use? Is it up-to-date? Please clear cache of your browser.
Waiting for your reply.
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