I bought Legenda theme about 6 months ago and have not updated it (currently on version 2.2). I have the following questions:
1. Could you please let me know how to update to the latest version of the theme? (I went to dashboard –> appearence –> themes but didn’t see any option for me to update Legenda like some of the other themes I have there).
2. I have just updated to the latest version of woocommerce (2.3.4), and now there are two ‘proceed to checkout’ button on my cart page. What should I do?
3. The following message appears when I go to revolution slider –> edit slides –> edit slide
Warning!!! The jquery ui javascript include that is loaded by some of the plugins are custom made and not contain needed components like ‘autocomplete’ or ‘draggable’ function. Without those functions the editor may not work correctly. Please remove those custom jquery ui includes in order the editor will work correctly.
Could you please let me know what I should do to resolve this?
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.