Hi again,
just noticed the updated version v1.2 with changes that are very beneficial for me..
How do i update the new version without affecting the css file changes?
This topic has 24 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 8 months ago ago by Jack Richardson
Hi again,
just noticed the updated version v1.2 with changes that are very beneficial for me..
How do i update the new version without affecting the css file changes?
You need move all CSS changes into custom.css file or Child Theme. After that you can update theme and don’t lose your customization.
Robert Hall.
Hi Robert,
Ok i have moved the css files and tried to update the theme as per the youtube video from last times request, but it not letting me upgrade, ftp files all successful transferred, and when i go into 8theme options and save changes its hasn’t upgraded to v1.2?
Ive updated it before but can’t update it this time for some apparent reason..
As I see you’ve already had Classico 1.2 version.
Please clarify your issue.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva,
Im using a 27″ iMac and the product page description is scrolling way past into the related products..
Please see private..
Hi again,
How do i also change the website row in contact us to say Contact Number..
Please provide us with FTP and wp-admin panel credentials in private content.
To change “Website” field you need edit the file wp-content/themes/classico/framework/shortcodes/contact_form.php (line 44). We recommend to make changes in a child theme (it’s included in the theme package) not to lose modifications after theme update.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva,
Information in Private..
Hi Eva,
I have managed to change the name website to Phone, with your help again, thank you,
I’ve created child theme and activated it in Appearance > Themes. I’ve moved the file contact_form.php into child theme directory wp-content/themes/classico-child/framework/shortcodes.
Now your changes won’t be lost. Also you can make style modifications in style.css in wp-content/themes/classico-child directory.
Also the issue with single product page layout has been fixed.
Please check.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva,
Ok, seems to be fixed while using my laptop macbook pro 13″, but on my iMac 27″ i still have the same issue, as the screen shots, do you think it may be my iMac resolution? if i zoom out (decrease) the screen size its fine, having it on actual size, this has the same issue of wording hiding behind text?
It has me stunned on what to do next..
We’re sorry for a long delay.
We checked your site and that bug appeared randomly, it wasn’t shown permanently. We’ll investigate it and try to fix it in the next update.
Thank you for understanding.
Eva Kemp.
Dear Eva,
Sure not a problem, and thank you again for all your assistance, you’ve been very helpful again, we appreciate your assistance..
You’re welcome.
We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva,
small problem if you could help me please..
my dev messed up, and can’t fix it, speak to theme dev?
You need edit the file wp-content/themes/classico/framework/theme-functions.php in line 854 and copy it to your child theme into /wp-content/themes/classico-child/framework directory.
Eva Kemp.
HI Eva,
yes, it is in child theme, you had moved it in there for me..but I still can’t get the phone wording and number to appear.
I’ve edited theme-functions.php file.
Please check your email template now.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hi Jack,
Thank you, but still having the same issue..
Please give us correct admin credentials as we can’t log in to wp-admin panel.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva,
Here you go..
I’ve edited the file theme-functions.php in the directory wp-content/themes/classico-child/framework. Please check mail message now.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
HI Jack, Eva
Wonderful all working very well now, thank you again for your assistance, greatly appreciated..
Thank you
You’re welcome.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
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