Hi there.
i just recenelty upgraded to theme version 1.7.1 and woocommerce 2.3.6
there are a number of issues that need resolving asap.
1. when viewing products, the function to add or subtract qty is not aligned.
2. same as above when viewing product when added to cart.
3. when goto checkout, the products in the cart completely dissapear!!!
(note, if you click refresh the products show back up…but this should not have to happen at all. it should all work as soon as checkout is displayed.
4. when users opt to pay via credit card, the data input fields are out of alignment, please have this fixed.
side note: a plugin that i have installed “WooCommerce Sales Booster” since the upgrade wont activate now. it says it has triggered a fatal error. can you please have a look at this to and find out why it can no longer be active.
please inform how to fix these problems immediately.
thank you