my website using Legenda theme started to be spammed by bot users about 3 weeks ago. Single spam users registered before too, but now bots are registering sometimes a few new users in an hour or two users in a single minute. I delete these spam users and block IPs with Wordfence, but it is not a good strategy for a long time.
I think that there is a problem with your captcha (bots have learned to solve it). I know that this topic appeared on August 2016 raised by mleihs (#122128). You told him, that you will forward it to your developers and add an updated captcha in one of an update. I just want to say: it is not just him, it is me too 🙂 and ask you, when are you going to come out with a solution (preferably something like Google reCaptcha).
I will be grateful for any action, because the current state is very cumbersome and may encourage spammers to further activities. Thank you.
Best regards,