On my sites I edit the usernames to set “Display name publicly as” to ‘admin’. No user called admin exists – its just a display name.
This should hide the real username from view on posts/pages etc.
On two of my sites in the News section (ie. the blog part of the site) when I hover my mouse over the author name ‘admin’ the link shown is http://…./author/admin/ which is correct.
However on one site when I hover my mouse over the author name ‘admin’ the link shown is http://…./author/the-real-username/ which is not correct – it should show http://…./author/admin/ like the other sites.
I can turn off the post/page author byline in the Blanco theme settings (Display Post Information) for this one site but would prefer to leave it on if possible.
The sites are all using Blanco 3.1 and WordPress 4.2.2. The usernames all appear to be setup the same.
Why is one site linking to the real username instead of the display name?