Could you help me to identify why on “TESTE DE INTEGRAÇÃO COM VARIAÇÕES” product is not shown variations at https://dev-ouche.pantheonsite.io/lancamentos-2/?
Thanks in advance
This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Could you help me to identify why on “TESTE DE INTEGRAÇÃO COM VARIAÇÕES” product is not shown variations at https://dev-ouche.pantheonsite.io/lancamentos-2/?
Thanks in advance
My products are imported from ERP via API and with variations. However, I guess that exist a problem on importation. How Can know what product fields are not filled by ERP?
Please, Could you open “TESTE DE INTEGRAÇÃO COM VARIAÇÕES” product at tamanho attribute value(s) field and to observe that value is “P | M | G” string, differently of the values at others variable products add directly at wp .Could it be the problem?
P.S. This product was imported via API.
Yes. If you want to have the variation swatches or filter product by attributes using default WooCommerce filter widget your product should use the pre-created attribute instead of manual http://prntscr.com/sch5lo
Thanks so much! I lost much time with it. Do you guess that support to string at attribute field is a possible future implementation at xstore or have any restriction?
It’s related to WooCommerce plugin more than to theme. Because our functions based on WooCommerce system. I don’t think that WooCommerce plugin developers will change their system.
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