Hi, is this theme will automatically use the image set on each product variation as the swatch image?
This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi, is this theme will automatically use the image set on each product variation as the swatch image?
There is no such option. You can submit a request here – https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/
Ok. Since its not supported on current theme. So i’ve decided to use other plugin that can do this function. There are many that support this features on WP repo.
So i disabled the Variation Swatch from the customizer setting like so
So this will use the default woocommerce dropdown variation.
BUT…there is BIG problem with the product meta on cart & checkout page.
the Attribute not displayed as meta but simply append to the product title.
With Variation Swatch Disabled –
A correct cart should display like so (2021 theme)
I tried to install other variation swatches plugin but this wont fix the problem.
Please fix the theme to be able to use the standard woocommerce attributes & other swatches plugin properly while the built in Variation Swathes settings disabled.
this is very urgent. need a quick fix for this.
i’m verifying this issue on my test site
Fresh WP 5.8
Woocommerce 5.6
Xstore 8.0.5
Provide us with FTP access to your site, please. We’ll check the issue in more detail.
Here is the ftp details
Thank you. I passed the issue to our developers. I’ll inform you once they fix the problem.
hi, any updates on this?
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_variation_title_include_attributes', '__return_false' );
in themes\xstore\framework\woo.php file via FTP
OR just reupload woo.php file, download the file from this page – https://dropmefiles.com/A8HaF
hi, its working thanks
You’re welcome!
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