Hello. Can variations have their own url slugs?
For example i am on product archive, there is three colors : green (default) , white, red. On archive i check red, then go product page and I see default green color, not the red I selected.
Another scenario : on product page I select white and want to share the link to friend, when I send him he goes to default green, not the white variation I wanted to show.
MOST IMPORTANT : Google needs to index all these variations, it doesn’t understand otherwise, and it’s closely related to structured data as swatch happens without page reload, so all products SEO is doomed.
How Google understands URLs for product variants
A common consideration on ecommerce sites is how to structure URLs when a product is available in multiple sizes or colors. Each combination of product attributes is referred to as a product variant. To help Google understand your product variants, make sure that each variant can be identified by a separate URL. We recommend the following URL structures for variant URLs:
A path segment, such as /t-shirt/green
A query parameter, such as /t-shirt?color=green
UPDATE: search shows variations with query parameters ( when search has variation search on) though going from product archive no slug, switching on product page – no change too.
I searched for green color, it listed same product three times just with different sizes s,m,l , on search it does not show that.
Any guidance would be highly appreciated!