Hello, I’m using Variations As Simple Products and i’ve discovered a bug when trying to filter products by attribute.
Let’s take for example this category:
For one product the filter works, for the other one (the round bar image) it doesn’t.
Here, i have 2 products that use one attribute for variations, the rest of attributes are only for info.
The attributes are shown in the sidebar filter area, but when clicked, it says no products found.
I figured out that if i check “use for variation” all the attributes -> save attributes -> select for each variation the attribute (see snip 1) -> save modifications -> uncheck the attributes that i don’t use vor variation and save again, the filters work.
If i let for each variation the default option “any…” (see snip 2), the filters won’t work.
Another problem is when an attribute has multiple terms – see “Utilizat pentru” tab, where all the terms are visible, but when clicked no products found. I cannot do the trick from above, because i cannot select all 3 terms for each variation.