We have the following problems and we could use your help:
1. The logo at the header is very small. Is there a way to increase it’s size? ( https://prnt.sc/m6cv34uEq77B )
2. The width of the Login Signin module is too small so it appears in a weird way. Is there a way to fix this ? ( https://prnt.sc/fRIMg7iNyfdm )
3. The login Popup cuts off the login form and elements. How can we fix this ? ( https://prnt.sc/GUUpHo-JLPoM )
4. At the homepages both Greek and English there is some sort of lazy loading for the product grids but they load very slowly ( https://prnt.sc/4_DZc1iz1MTq )
5. The Add to Cart functionality take around 6-8 seconds which is very slow. Any ideas why this is happening? We tried to deactivate all other plugins and the problem persists. We also tried the Storefront theme and worked really fast.
6. Some strings at the Login / Sign In module at the header menu cannot be translated with Loco Translate. Any suggestions ? ( https://prnt.sc/52D6qZX20Z6_ )
7. How can we change the footer widgets text color to white? Currently they are black on a black background and looks like they disappeared ( https://prnt.sc/vCi5HJcjjQVn – https://prnt.sc/D6Xz6jhCA4v1 )
To save you time we have tried disabling all plugins etc etc but the problems persist.
Thanks in advance
Stratos A.