This topic has 49 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago ago by Eva Kemp
Hello, I bought the theme and installed it, have been fideling with it for a while now. Not very experienced with wordpress.
My work in progress:
your demo:
1. In the demo, the website is to be wider than my installation. How can I make mine as wide as the demo? You can compare the position of the language bar thingy.
2. How can I make a slider like the one you have with the back of a taxi? Making it seem like the slider is a gap showing an image in the back. Sort of scrollable image. That looks really nice.
3. I can’t seem to get the image in the menu working right. I have a menu like yours with an imagem an’d I’m using the demo image to test it out. But instead of going right like it should. It is displaying the image south of the other columns.
I think that’s it so far.
Thanks in advance. Cheers!
Please check if you spelled your site link correctly as it can’t be opened.
To create the same effect with the taxi image you need use Visual Composer editor.
Please read our documentation:!/visual_composer > Parallax effect.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Its running on my computer and so it was off for the night. Im in Europe.
You can try any time now.
I forgot to mention, i’m still hosting it on my home computer and the upload speed is kind of bad so, hang in there for me. Sorry.
In the meantime I was able to get the parallax going. Thanks for giving me the name! In the documentation there is no way I can tell that parallax = damn cool section with taxis. it’s just says, “In this item we will show only some effects, which were implemented in our theme and most of those you are interested in” Too
Still regarding parallax, the effect doesn’t work on mobile does it? The image is stationary as far as I can tell, please confirm.
The image in the Menu is also working. I got it. It seems that it wont wonk with just 1 column. It needs 2 columns and the columns need subitems I tested with a second column that didn’t have subitems and still no go. You should probably look into this when an update comes out.
So, from the OPwe’re still missing the wideness. The demo is wider than mine, I’d like to make mine as wide as yours, it’s way better looking.
And some new questions as well.
In my singular product page such as
I have a mix of english and portuguese.
It says “product information” and “clear selection” (once a size is chosen) but the add to cart button is in portuguese (Adicionar ao carrinho)
How can I make this all porgtuguese? Wouldnt it be enough to have woocommerce pt_PT installed? DO I need to translate any specific file?
In the same line, eventually i’d like to have an english version, what is the best way to go about it? I’ve heard of childthemes, How can I get started? I’m missing a catalyst, do I just make an EN folder on the top level of my website and dump a new wordpress instalation in there? I’m so confused. Any good guide you can direct me to?
Oh, something else, how can I edit the hover color of the “back to top” arrow? I’m fine with css just point me in the right direction.
Sorry about the formatting and about my ebglish.
Also sorry about the flurry of questions. Your help is much appreciated!
You can change hover color of “back to top” button using this code in custom.css file:
.back-to-top:hover {
background-color: red !important;
How to create custom.css you can watch in this tutorial (it’s for Legenda theme, but the process is the same).
If you want to have multilingual site you need use wpml plugin .
Unfortunately image in the menu can be added only to the last column.
As I see your site layout is wide.
Please specify where you see issues with the layout.
Eva Kemp.
Hello again Eva,
thanks for your answer about the button.
Bout the wideness. I think there is some misscheif going on.
I can swear, and other people saw it too, that the demo was wider than it is now.
As it stands, the demo is now the same width as my website but yesterday that wasn’t the case. I can say that there was at least 10px on each side. It was noticeably wider. This is upsetting.
Did you guys change the demo?
Anyway, moving on.
The drop menu in Shop, is aligned to the left. Meaning it will expand to the right. On my website it is centered. How can I change that?
Please add this code into custom.css file:
.main-nav .menu .nav-sublist-dropdown {
margin-right: -155px !important;
Eva Kemp.
Ok, will try that.
Still some questions from above.
How can I translate text such as “Oops! Page not found” and “Product description” in the single product page.
I can’t seem to do it in default.po.
You need also translate Woocommerce .po file in the directory wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages. There you’ll find “Product Description” text.
Please refer to Woocommerce documentation:
“Oops! Page not found” text can be found in the .po file in wp-content/themes/theleader/languages.
Please check it carefully.
Eva Kemp.
Alright I found it. And I translated it.
Now how does it take effect? How does the website know to get text from the translate string instead of the original?
Please read our documentation:!/how_to_translate
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Cool. Thanks for that, I know i’m being a pain in the ass.
Say I half translate it. Will it default to english where there is no translation?
The part that is not translated will be shown in English.
Eva Kemp.
Once again thanks for your help.
I need some further assistance if you don’t mind.
I can’t seem to find the 2 strings at the very top of the page in the woocommerce bar. The one that says “LOGIN” or “YOUR ACCOUNT” according to wether or not you are loged in or not.
Which language file do they belong to? I can’t find them in either default or
Aditionally, how can I get the purchase code for visual composer in order to get automatic updates? Is this possible?
My website is down at the moment tho.
You can find “YOUR ACCOUNT” in file
/theleader/framework/theme-functions.php (line 611)
Please provide us with link to the page where you have “LOGIN”.
Robert Hall.
It’s the exact same spot you find “YOUR ACCOUNT” except before you actually login, it says “LOGIN” and then changes to “YOUR ACCOUNT”. At least from what I remember.
Given I’m editing files, I’ll be in a tough spot to run an english version of the site, won’t I?
I was hoping to use a multilang system based on language files.
But changing .php files that won’t be possible. Right?
If you want to use multilingual site you need install wpml plugin . It’s fully compatible with our theme.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hello again guys,
New question, how do I change the size of the main image in the single product page?
The Settings in the woocommerce plugin don’t seem to work.
Thanks in advance,
Please take our apologies but image dimensions can’t be changed on a single product page in theme options as they can be distorted. It can be edited only in the theme files theleader/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php and theleader/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php. Also changes in custom.css need to be made.
Thank you for understanding.
Eva Kemp.
Hum, thats ok, i guess.
It’s a set up once and never change it again type of thing anyway.
please go ahead and explain what needs to be set, specifically what lines and where do I input height and width.
Thanks in advance.
In the file theleader/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php you need edit lines 24, 25 and in the file theleader/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php the lines are 25, 26.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hello again, reviving my old thread.
My rev sliders stopped showing up. I wonder if an udpdate is in order.
According to envato, both rev slider and visual composer need to be updated manually and the theme suplier is supposed to provide the necessary files.
How can I obtain the files?
Also, im on version 1.6.
Would updating to 1.7 be critical at this point?
You can download the latest plugins versions at the link .
Please provide us with wp-admin panel and FTP credentials to check the issue.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
First of all, thanks for the link I will check frequently. I was able to update both revlsider and visual composer sucessfully.
My versions were very old and visual composer was barely working and it’s fine now.
But revslider is causing me a headache.
3 issues I see imediately.
1.On the homepage you should see a revslider header and its just grey where there should be a simple image.
2. Further down (between the 2 product sliders) you see a white space where there should be an image with the parallax effect.
3. When an admin was logged on the website you could see the wordpress header (very thin black bar above everything else) but not anymore.
Details in the private content
Try to edit the file wp-content/themes/theleader/framework/woo.php on line 206 and replace the code $woocommerce->nonce_field
with wp_nonce_field
and check your site after that.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
That did it.
Thanks a lot.
Meanwhile I noticed the mobile version doesn’t show the navigation bar anymore. Before you were able to exapand it from the left. Now it’s not present.
What caused these changes?
Please disable 3-d party plugins to check the issue. It is very likely that one of them is causing the issue.
With best regards
Brian Johnson
Hello again,
This project has been abandoned for a very long time but it seems my boss wants to go back to it.
But I can’t open the website anymore.
I’m getting error 500. And the hosting company says the log shows the following:
l error: Cannot redeclare add_term_meta() (previously declared in /hsphere/local/home/scullings/ in /hsphere/local/home/scullings/ on line 103
Don’t really know what version of the theme but the website was abandoned so there shouldnt have been any updates to either wordpress or woocommerce. These are the things that would break the theme but there weren’t any. As far as I know.
How can I fix this?
Thanks for your help.
Please provide us with FTP credentials.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
There you go:
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