Visual Composer doest work. Could you check it ?
This topic has 15 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Visual Composer doest work. Could you check it ?
I have enabled VC for all your custom posts and pages.
You may check now.
Screenshot : http://prntscr.com/ezf1pb
This was already working. Frontend editor doesnt work Naja
Problem could be related to the fatal error that may appear during enabling of the frontend editor. We need to enable WP debug. Provide FTP access, please.
Also, please, increase max upload size at least to 6MB we need to update Visual Composer to the latest version.
Hi Olga,
I coundt done woocommerce update yet cuz im afraid of errors.
I’ll increase upload size immidiately.
FTP information:
Yes, it would be better to work with the old but stable version of WC plugin. I think within next month WooCommerce, authors of the included plugins (Wishlist for example) and also our dev team release stable versions and then you’ll be able to update plugin and theme without any troubles.
Unfortunately, can’t connect to your server
Status: Resolving address of lupa.com.tr
Status: Connecting to…
Status: Connection attempt failed with “ETIMEDOUT – Connection attempt timed out”.
Error: Could not connect to server
Max upload size is the same http://prntscr.com/ezgj8f
Hi Olga,
I’ve just connect to server same information that i wrote.
Could you try it again please ?
Visual Composer Front end editor doesn’t work. It just keeps loading.
Can I get some help to debug?
Sorry for the delay.
Do you have any white/black lists on your server? The same issue.
Hello, @lucy_hinchliffe@hotmail.com
Please, provide me temporary admin panel and FTP access to your server. We’ll check why you get this error. Do you have this issue for all the pages or for some pages only?
Still same for that issue Olga
Hi VC front editor is not working (keeps uploading). Only when I deactivate massive add ons, then VC works. Please help!!
Hello, @ibuyukarslan
I won’t be able to help you if I can’t connect to your server. I get the following response
Status: Resolving address of lupa.com.tr
Status: Connecting to…
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server
Please, contact your hosting provider and ask why we can’t connect to your server.
Hello, @mxwealth
Provide me correct FTP and admin panel access to find out why Massive Addons creates the problem on your site. We don’t have this issue.
Tagged: themes, troubleshooting, visual composer, woocommerce, wordpress
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