Visual Composer not enabled in TheLeader v1.5

This topic has 21 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago ago by Jack Richardson

  • Avatar: rjzajac
    June 30, 2014 at 08:35


    According to the release note and the included documentation in version 1.5 of TheLeader, VC is now a separate plugin and not integrated as part of the theme.

    Instructions for installing VC according to the instructions, are as follows:

    Plugin Installation

    Visual Composer installation doesn’t differ from any other plugin installation process, so you might be familiar with this process already. If not, please follow instructions below.

    1. Login to your website
    2. Go to Plugins -> Add New section
    3. Click Upload link
    4. Browse to the plugin’s zip file (it is located in the folder you’ve downloaded from CodeCanyon) and choose that file.
    5. Click “Install Now” button
    6. Wait while plugin is uploaded to your server
    7. Click “Activate Plugin” button

    That’s it!

    On Visual Composer settings page (Settings->Visual Composer), you should select content types where Visual Composer should appear.Now you are ready to go. Create new post/page and switch to the “Visual Composer” mode.

    Fair enough..simple enough to install. However, VC does not work. There is no blue button for visual composer within the respective content (post,page,product,etheme_portfolio), testimonial is selected).

    Furthermore, within SETTINGS -> VISUAL COMPOSER there are entries for:

    1. Envato Username
    2. Secret API Key
    3. Visual Composer License Key

    I am working with a fresh installation of WordPress 3.9.1, with TheLeader v1.5. The VC plugin has been installed per included instructions. I am running this within a local environment so there is nothing for 8Theme Admins to log into and have a look.

    I’ve tried using v1.4 template with WP 3.9.1 (where VC wasn’t 100% working under WP 3.9.1 – v1.5 had VC as a plugin for the ease of updating it should a future WP update break it), then uploaded v1.5 to see if v1.4 license would carry over – and it does not.

    So the questions are:

    1. Is there an updated Visual Composer that can be emailed to me? Right now, VC is completely broke.
    2. Is there a license key I am supposed to input? If not, why isn’t the license carried over in the

    I request that 8theme check out and see if it is bundled with the correct – install it, and see if it works.

    Thank you.

    20 Answers
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    June 30, 2014 at 08:57


    We’ve sent the latest version of VC plugin to your email. Please check.
    You don’t need to fill in any license keys. If you want to update the plugin yourself then you have to buy the license or wait for our new theme release where the updated version will be included.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: rjzajac
    June 30, 2014 at 09:20


    Thank you for the quick follow up – unfortunately that didn’t fix the problem.

    Here are some screenshots of what I see. Remember that this a fresh install of TheLeader v1.5 and WordPress 3.9.1 and there is no wp-bakery folder as I have not gone from v1.4 to v1.5 of TheLeader.

    Plugin is activated

    Here is something else…when I hover over the test entry for portfolio:

    And then I click on “Edit with Visual Composer” I get this:

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    June 30, 2014 at 09:26


    Please provide us with wp-admin panel and FTP credentials in Private Content.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: rjzajac
    June 30, 2014 at 10:16


    This issue seems to be resolved – the problem ended up being my local environment denying access to the js_composer directory. I’ve not run into such an issue before, but there’s a first time for everything.

    Thanks to Helen for identifying the problem and pointing me in the right direction for resolution. I’ve tested on a standalone server and the Visual Composer plugin included in TheLeader v1.5 over at Themeforest works fine.

    No license key was necessary for it to work.

    Thank you again for all the help in obtaining a speedy resolution.



    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    June 30, 2014 at 10:29


    We’re glad to hear it.
    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us!

    Jack Richardson

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 12:47

    Hi Jack,
    I have this exact same problem. I have just bought The Leader (1.5) theme and have a fresh upload of the theme and wordpress (3.9). I have installed and activated VC but the plugin is forcing me to add a security API and licence key to use it. Please help?

    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    July 21, 2014 at 12:56


    Please try to update your Visual Composer plugin. If issue still persists after update provide us with wp-admin and FTP credentials.

    Jack Richardson

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 13:07

    Hi Jack,

    Here’s the message I get when I try update the plugin:

    An error occurred while updating WPBakery Visual Composer: Error! Envato username, api key and your purchase code are required for downloading updates from Envato marketplace for the Visual Composer. Visit Settings to fix.

    This seems exactly the same as what happened to Robert above. An idea what he is talkit about when he says: ‘the problem ended up being my local environment denying access to the js_composer directory’

    Would prefer not to share ftp details but can send you wp admin login if you like.



    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    July 21, 2014 at 13:09

    To update the Visual Composer plugin you need re-download the theme archive at where we’ve recently included the updated versions of plugins VC and Revolution Slider. After you unzip the archive you’ll find another archive, extract it as well and open this folder “legenda”. The plugins are placed inside of legenda folder under framework/plugins directory. Upload the new version via FTP and remove the old one.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 13:20

    Hi Eva,
    I don’t have the Legenda Theme, I have The Legend. Can I still download the theme archive for Legenda?

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    July 21, 2014 at 13:32


    We’ve sent the archive with a new version of Visual Composer to your email address. Please check it.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 13:46

    Thanks for sending me the new version. I have deleted the old version and uploaded the new one via ftp. Unfortunately it still is not working. Will send you wp admin login via private message so you can see for yourself.

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    July 21, 2014 at 14:08

    Yes, please, send wp-admin credentials to us in Private Content to check the issue.
    Thank you.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 14:12

    Sent you the details, let me know how you get on!

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    July 21, 2014 at 14:20


    Sorry, but we don’t see the Private Content message. Where have you sent it to?
    Please insert it in Private Content box at this forum. Nobody will see it except of our administrators.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 14:28

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    July 21, 2014 at 15:07


    Please try to change permissions for js_composer folder in wp-content/plugins directory as there is 404 error for VC plugin which means you’ve not uploaded all files or you need to change permissions.
    Otherwise please provide us with FTP access.
    Thank you.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: rjzajac
    July 21, 2014 at 15:44


    I just wanted to chime in about this topic – what I did to get this to work.

    Before I applied this update, I do testing on a local environment (personal PC running a VM) using WAMP or XAAMP to duplicate my hosting environment.

    When installing the new Visual Composer, I ran into error of having to enter the Envato credentials to get it working. At least that is what appeared to happen.

    The problem wasn’t credentials – but the JS_Composer folder located inside wp-content/plugins which didn’t have write permissions. This was verified using Firebug for Firefox indicating a 404 error.

    So to verify this was the issue, I installed my local hosting environment to the root of C – and then everything worked. Once I uploaded all changes, I had no problems.

    To get this working on your hosting environment, here is what I would do after you’ve uploaded the new template changes in V1.5 as it is essentially what I did in my local testing environment:

    1. Rename WP-Bakery to WP-Bakery-old
    2. Plugins – add new – upload – choose file
    3. Select your the to upload
    4. Activate plugin
    5. Dump any Cache plugs installed (ex. W3 Total Cache)
    6. Once installed, go to Settings -> Visual Composer
    7. General Settings -> Enable post/page/product/etheme_portfolio_testimonial
    8. Under groups access rules, if you’re logged in as an Administrator to your site: Show Visual Composer & Default editor for Administrator- Select All Options – Save changes.
    9. Go to on of your posts and see if you have the blue BACKEND EDITOR visible.
    10. If VC is still asking for credentials, then the folder probably is lacking write permissions (should be CHMOD 755) – if this is the case and its not a dedicated server/VPS and you can’t do it yourself- contact tech support for your host and ask them to enable permission (CHMOD 755) for the wp-content/plugins/js_composer/ folder.

    This version – when it is fully working – will require a key to use the frontend editor – but this theme doesn’t support it – it only supports the backend editor.

    Hope this makes it more clear to those who are having problems.

    Avatar: mwhitman
    July 21, 2014 at 17:05

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for your imput Robert, much appreciated.

    So I decided to do a fresh install of wordpress with a new database and used the new VC plugin you provided Eva. The result is that I can now access the composer on pages and posts and make edits ect, but there is still a message at the top of the page that reads: Hola! Please activate your copy of Visual Composer to receive automatic updates.

    I assume I can just ignore that as the Backend editor seems to be working fine?

    Will keep you posted if I run into trouble.



    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    July 21, 2014 at 17:11

    We’re glad to hear that!
    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Jack Richardson

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