According to the release note and the included documentation in version 1.5 of TheLeader, VC is now a separate plugin and not integrated as part of the theme.
Instructions for installing VC according to the instructions, are as follows:
Plugin Installation
Visual Composer installation doesn’t differ from any other plugin installation process, so you might be familiar with this process already. If not, please follow instructions below.
1. Login to your website
2. Go to Plugins -> Add New section
3. Click Upload link
4. Browse to the plugin’s zip file (it is located in the folder you’ve downloaded from CodeCanyon) and choose that file.
5. Click “Install Now” button
6. Wait while plugin is uploaded to your server
7. Click “Activate Plugin” button
That’s it!
On Visual Composer settings page (Settings->Visual Composer), you should select content types where Visual Composer should appear.Now you are ready to go. Create new post/page and switch to the “Visual Composer” mode.
Fair enough..simple enough to install. However, VC does not work. There is no blue button for visual composer within the respective content (post,page,product,etheme_portfolio), testimonial is selected).
Furthermore, within SETTINGS -> VISUAL COMPOSER there are entries for:
1. Envato Username
2. Secret API Key
3. Visual Composer License Key
I am working with a fresh installation of WordPress 3.9.1, with TheLeader v1.5. The VC plugin has been installed per included instructions. I am running this within a local environment so there is nothing for 8Theme Admins to log into and have a look.
I’ve tried using v1.4 template with WP 3.9.1 (where VC wasn’t 100% working under WP 3.9.1 – v1.5 had VC as a plugin for the ease of updating it should a future WP update break it), then uploaded v1.5 to see if v1.4 license would carry over – and it does not.
So the questions are:
1. Is there an updated Visual Composer that can be emailed to me? Right now, VC is completely broke.
2. Is there a license key I am supposed to input? If not, why isn’t the license carried over in the js_composer.zip?
I request that 8theme check out themeforest-5493981-the-leader-ecommerce-responsive-mpurpose-theme.zip and see if it is bundled with the correct js_composer.zip – install it, and see if it works.
Thank you.