Some functions and viewability changes after logging in. Without logging in the website has functional issues like in the mobile version instead of showing a section in 3 rows it shows in a single row with giant sized icons but after someone logs in the image start coming up in 3 columns as specified via elementary. The detailed issues in point are as:
1 : Without login in mobile the home page comes like this : https://gyazo.com/ba5cbb15db8fb5d6e745792bec428503 After logging in it becomes normal: https://prnt.sc/t9za7j In the no logged in ss you can see that the header is also not at the correct place and it doesn’t stick to the top but comes in the middle.
2. It doesn’t end here. I have added a custom CSS specified by you so that I can show all the products at the same level irrespective of how long their title name is. But that only works on the home page. If someone goes to a category page it shows like this https://gyazo.com/88cffe1298d650d1b8b9f76d761538f2
You can also notice that on the category page the search bar also doesn’t stick to the top, in fact it scrolls down a little and is shown somewhere in middle.
3. The gap between the columns is too much. look at this pic https://prnt.sc/t9zh1s . I have chosen narrow gap from layout section which is showing as it should din the elementary but on real site, it’s showing much more gap. I have used the same setting on same images before too and it used to work well on narrow setting, but it isn’t showing as it should now.
If you need to access my admin dashboard i am giving the details in private content area