Please recall in which folder are the product card page templates?
We need to change the styles.
Are these styles edited in the page template?
This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago ago by Olga Barlow
Please recall in which folder are the product card page templates?
We need to change the styles.
Are these styles edited in the page template?
If you want to modify / customize woocommerce templates files, you can take a look at \xstore\woocommerce directory
Hung PD
No, there is only php there.
And we need tpl page template files.
In this case, you need to change the page “Product Card” in the tpl file.
Where they are?
No, they didn’t understand the question, again:
Please look at the screen, it can be seen that the styles are written in the template of this product card itself:
Where can I find this file to edit the list of these styles?
Look, we are confused by your question a little bit because it was not very clear.
Are you asking about CSS styles for the product? They are located at style.css and xstore.css depending on option http://prntscr.com/qyzn5t
If you want to change the CSS styles use child theme and child theme style.css to overwrite only styles you want to change. Don’t edit parent theme files!
But to be sure that we understand your request could you provide me an example of changes you want to implement? Tell me what exactly in single product page layout do you want to change?
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