hi i just purchased the classico WordPress theme to make a custom t-shirt store
i install 2 ad-don from WooCommerce
1. WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos
2. WooCommerce Additional Variation Images
the first ad-don work fine
but the second have problem
when i click on one of the Variation colors of the product the Thumbnails of the the product need to change with the color images that i click
the problem is that is not change only the main ( big ) image change.
so i start to look what is the problem
i detective all the plugins
i check that all the plugins are update
and it still don’t work
until i found the problem
in the file wp-content/themes/classico/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php in line 23
there is this line :
<div id=”product-pager” class=”product-thumbnails images-popups-gallery”><?php
what is missing is the thumbnails class
so it need to be :
<div id=”product-pager” class=”thumbnails product-thumbnails images-popups-gallery”><?php
but now when i click on the color Variation the Thumbnails changes but is lost all the style from the JavaScript because the plugin change the class and the style of the element inside the Thumbnails slider
do you have maybe update to this issue or someone can help me fix this to work fine ?
there is no point to a t-shirt store to be without Additional Variation Images of the shirt in the same color ( like from the side from the front and from the back )
i would love to get some help with that