I’m having issues with a plugin (Measurement Price Calculator) and Woocommerce.
It allows to sell products by weight, but when customers enter the weight the amount is not calculated properly in the product page (the amount sent to cart is fine instead).
I’ve contacted the Plugin support, and they isolated the problem which is related to the Theme, as when they switched theme it works fine.
Below is what they replied:
“That said, it wasn’t clear to me what aspect of the theme was conflicting. Are there any currency settings that might be adjusting the loading of a product price?
Would it be possible to get in touch with the XStore theme support to see if they might be able to shed some light on what might be interrupting the calculation of those prices? They are loaded via JavaScript, but there is no indication of any JavaScript errors in the console”
Please note this is a cloned server I use for testing, so you can run as many tests as you need, switch themes etc.
Would you be able to help?
Below are the website credentials: