Woocommerce tabs problems on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus

This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago ago by Jack Richardson

  • Avatar: Van
    February 27, 2016 at 19:27

    Hi guys,

    I used to iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus access to https://xcom.vn/san-pham/may-mp3-nghe-phap-thoai-co-tich-hop-fm/ with safari, chrome Then Tabs session is not work well. I can’t select other tab. But I used to Android Phone is working.

    You can test it.

    Please help me. Thanks

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    6 Answers
    Avatar: Van
    February 27, 2016 at 19:45

    You can access into: https://xcom.vn/tin-tuc/ Post do not show summary THAT always show full detail. How to fix it. thanks

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    Support staff
    February 28, 2016 at 09:58


    I’ve checked tabs and they are working properly.
    Please clarify what issue with tabs you’re experiencing.
    Please view this article how to show excerpts in blog:

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: Van
    February 28, 2016 at 10:07

    Hi guys,
    If you used to responsive plugin on chrome or firefox browser then It’s working well but on iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus which not working

    I can’t switch to other tab

    Please help me.

    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    March 1, 2016 at 16:09


    We have checked your product tabs on iPhone 6 and don’t face any problems with tabs switching. Here are the screenshots: http://prntscr.com/a9uufn , http://prntscr.com/a9uuq3 .

    Best regards,
    Jack Richardson.

    Avatar: Van
    March 1, 2016 at 16:15

    I found problem. It’s related with Product Attributes. This morning, I deleled all about it and it’s working very well.
    I hope to you will have a solution about that.
    Thanks for your support.

    Avatar: Jack Richardson
    Jack Richardson
    Support staff
    March 1, 2016 at 16:48


    You are welcome!

    Best regards,
    Jack Richardson.

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