1) I am using the /demos/2/niche-market/ and I have no ’empty cart contents’ on the sidebar or at the checkout.
2) How do I remove the “YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN…” section from the sidebar. Link: https://prnt.sc/xohjkf
3) Regarding point 2, is there a way to only show “YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN…” in the checkout and not the sidebar.
4) How do you enable the buttons in the sidebar to show rather than having to hover over the item to show. I refer to quantity and trash icon etc… Link: https://prnt.sc/xohnvt
5) There may be a bug when you add Google Pay on WooCommerce. When at the checkout you can pay by Google Pay without filling in the billing information. PayPal rightly so asks for billing information. Link: https://prnt.sc/xohnvt – If I click pay by Google Pay it allows me to do so (without adding billing information) although when you go on XStore theme options you will see I have required fields i.e. address line etc… Please test and raise with your developers.
6) Is there anything in this theme that lets me edit the checkout page i.e. remove fields and edit text such as “apartment”. Would be nice to remove the additional notes section! I gave a few examples so would appreciate answers to each and then a generic answer on the editing process you have for the WooCommerce checkout page.