I have a big problem on my store, it is impossible for me to modify a static block, I have tried everything, increase the memory allocated for the theme, update all the plugins, follow all the tutorials for WPBakery etc ….. I am at a dead end …
Environment Requirement System
WP File System: direct direct
PHP version: 7.0 7.4.14
WordPress version: 3.9 5.6
Memory limit: 128M 805306368
Max execution time: min (60-90) 90
Max input vars: min (1000-2000) 2000
Upload max filesize: 10M 67108864
../Uploads folder: writable writable
OpenSSL version: 1.0 1.1.1
GZIP compression: enable enable
file_get_contents( ): enable enable
wp_remote_get( ): enable enable
SCREEN LINK : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/03/3/1611139730-capture.png