i already install amp plugin & active that.
find some problem when i test the amp page.
the google analytics tag not tracking Those page info on amp.
This topic has 23 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
i already install amp plugin & active that.
find some problem when i test the amp page.
the google analytics tag not tracking Those page info on amp.
Thank you so much for contacting us!
I suppose the cache might have been generated at a time when the page itself was invalid and redirected to its non-AMP version.
John Holden
How can the amp page also have the tracking information of Google analytics?
i used the head and footer plugin to add the tag
Please provide temporary wp-admin and FTP access, then one of our developers will be able to check this topic and give an answer.
Thanks in advance. Waiting for your reply.
Many thanks for your reply.
Thanks for wp-admin access.
We need FTP also. Contact your hosting provider to get FTP host, FTP user, and FTP password.
why we need ftp access?
We don’t need cPanel. We need FTP access to your WP installation files. Contact your hosting provider if you don’t know what FTP is.
cpanel account have the ftp files access.
Please check credentials that you provided – https://gyazo.com/17879970eef52a0e7a6f7b40bb7e02ef
reset the password please check again
We are getting “The login is invalid.”
when i check the ftp service info got this .
where can i check the ftp login link?
We are using FileZilla and was able to connect, but FTP directory is empty – https://gyazo.com/4fb0e1fa95b57f7ea55d1e48dc061f56
Please check the destination folder of our user, we need access to your WP installation.
that ftp access was correct.
could please check the folder address. i already reset the folder access address.
BTW the amp page still have some problem about state/ region input info when checkout.
Thanks for the reply.
I will let you know once get news from the developer. Please do not change access.
Many thanks.
cause the amp page problem , Temporarily shut down this plugin.
Will this affect the troubleshooting?
We updated your XStore AMP plugin to latest one of develop version
We added new option -> http://prntscr.com/1qmkpm3 that works according to amp documentation -> Add Analytics to AMP pages | Analytics for AMP Pages
Please, activate the plugin and check if it works as you expected
Many thanks for your support! that analytics id could add into the page.
but still have other problem!!
amp checkout page user couldn’t choice the “state option”
when i change the country/region the state option always display Region.
and Region or state option list always was same option.
when active the plugin, amp checkout page still have this problem
Our developers work on this problem, but it will take some time.
Currently, you can disable the AMP plugin, once we find the solution new update will be released, follow our changelog – https://xstore.8theme.com/update-history/
We have released a new update for the XStore AMP version. Please, remove the plugin and install it again from XStore > Plugin Installer.
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