hi i did install the theme on my website but i was trying and deleting it for few times
i have it installed on one wordpress only
i want to install on wcheapstore.com .that the main one
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
hi i did install the theme on my website but i was trying and deleting it for few times
i have it installed on one wordpress only
i want to install on wcheapstore.com .that the main one
You have already used the mentioned license for a few domains http://prntscr.com/upcsw2
At this moment it’s active at http://csportsshoes.com/ and https://casualshoes.net/
According to the ThemeForest license policy, you can use 1 license for the 1 project only https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard
So, if you want to use XStore for the new project buy a separate license.
i delete all keys from all websites ..can you rest it .
i did eaven buy another theme to make it work man
please reset all i will install it again later or another wordpress
Theme is installed and in use at 2 sites: http://csportsshoes.com/ and https://casualshoes.net/
You can’t use theme for the new project if you already use it for another domain(project).
Remove the theme from the mentioned sites and then we’ll be able to unblock the license. Or buy the new license and use it for the new project.
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