I need to use the standard “product_categories” woocommerce shortcode to display in some places the subcategories of a specific category, on the top of every category page, using static blocks.
Let’s say for example that I need to display the subcategories of the category 100, by 6 columns using the shortcode and its parameters:
[product_categories columns="6" parent="100"]
Depending on the parent category and its children subcategories I need to display a different number of columns (some times 4, 5, 6, etc…).
The problem is that the number of columns set in this standard woocommerce shortcode is affected by the number of columns set in the xstore theme.
That is, if I set inside the theme the number of columns displayed in 3, then even if I set the shortcode’s number of columns in 6 (see previous example), it displays the subcategories by 3 and not by 6.
The same issue if I use some other plugins/widgets to set a different number of columns for “Product Categories” such as the widget included in Elementor Pro (last version 2.9.4).
Could you please indicate to me how to overcome this issue and make the Xstore theme to not affect the number of columns set inside the shortcodes?
It’s very important to me
Thank you very much in advance
Best Regards