Hello, I’ve just installed brand new word-press on latest version and deactivated every default plugin and while i try to install XStore Theme Template called Furniture I’m getting an error on the step where the wizard is installing the necessary plugins. I’ve found a way to bypass this error when i installed manually all the plugins from a section in the control panel of xstore called plugin installer and when i did that the import started but it failed at one point with all this errors:
pages not installed 🙁
widgets not installed 🙁
home_page not installed 🙁
posts not installed 🙁
products not installed 🙁
static-blocks not installed 🙁
projects not installed 🙁
testimonials not installed 🙁
contact-forms not installed 🙁
media not installed 🙁
options not installed 🙁
menu not installed 🙁
elementor_globals not installed 🙁
slider not installed 🙁
default_woocommerce_pages not installed 🙁
any help will be apriciated.