I have also the same issue. YITH Zoom Magnifier is not working. Please do fix it. Let me know if you want FTP or WP-ADMIN login.
This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 11 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I have also the same issue. YITH Zoom Magnifier is not working. Please do fix it. Let me know if you want FTP or WP-ADMIN login.
We can’t connect to your FTP. We got the following error first http://prntscr.com/rhxpmj and then after a number of tryings
Response: 421 Too many connections (8) from this IP
Error: Could not connect to server
Check and fix the error to allow us to connect to FTP and proceed.
I asked Godaddy to fix FTP. Now, it’s working. Please try again.
Thanks and regards,
Craft Me Portal LLC
Looks that some js error appeared at the single product page after enabling of that plugin. Changing and re-saving of this option http://prntscr.com/riwaks helped. Check now.
Hi Olga,
Thank you for the support. But there are still some errors.
1. The 4 images after clicking on it, becomes small.
2. Images in homepage and product pages are changed to different sizes.
3. After opening another variant, the image is not getting zoomed like the first pic.
4. Images are sometimes getting stucked.
1) Provide link to the product with the issue.
2) Images on the home page and shop look ok http://prntscr.com/rkksfj
Image size on the shop page comes from WooCommerce settings (Appearance > Customizer > WooCommerce > Product images), our theme does not have any additional options for this.
3) Explain in more detail, please, maybe provide screenshots for better understanding because we don’t see the problem with the zoom https://gyazo.com/b820ce61d8b5af184f9cd1c62cea5e76 Also, you can enable default WP theme and check how it works. If you have the same issue even with the default theme then contact zoom plugin author.
4) Provide link to products with the mentioned issue and screenshot of the problem. Does the issue appear with our theme only?
Zoom is only working for below 4 images. It’s not working for varinats (colors). And after i click on any of below 4 images, it becomes small.
Before adding YITH Zoom, pictues were coming same size. Now they are different size.
1) Zoom level of the additional variations is not related to our theme because even with the default WP theme it works the same way https://gyazo.com/801ff7341e322ed592f27fb3a5212383 Contact plugin author.
2) This product is ok http://prntscr.com/rl1xud http://prntscr.com/rl22nu Don’t see the mentioned problem.
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