Hello 8Theme, Is Yoast SEO Plugin Not Compatible with the XStore Theme? I had to deactivate it beacause it broke the site, it showed “Ajax Error” message. Many Thanks!
This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hello 8Theme, Is Yoast SEO Plugin Not Compatible with the XStore Theme? I had to deactivate it beacause it broke the site, it showed “Ajax Error” message. Many Thanks!
Hello, @Hostelion Digital,
Our Theme XStore is compatible with Yoast SEO Plugin. You can see the XStore theme-compatible plugins list below on this page: https://themeforest.net/item/xstore-responsive-woocommerce-theme/15780546?clickid=yOSXDhXRMxyIRTuxylRJAXNKUkDx%3AP2WfTaWx00&iradid=275988&iradtype=ONLINE_TRACKING_LINK&irgwc=1&irmptype=mediapartner&irpid=3231485&mp_value1=&utm_campaign=af_impact_radius_3231485&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=impact_radius
And what are the errors you are facing on your site? Could you please share the screenshot and also please share your site WP Admin URL and Credentials and also the CPanel Login details as well in the private content area of this topic, so that I will further check it for you on your site and help you out?
WP Admin URL:
WP Admin Username:
WP Admin Password:
Cpanel Admin URL:
Cpanel Admin Username:
Cpanel Admin Password:
Regards 8Themes Team.
Hello, Please check my private message. Thank you!
Please check the Private Content area
Hello Tyler,
Please check the Private Content area
But it still shows 128M in WooCommerce > Status, so contact your hosting provider to get assistance with it.
Please see the private area. Thanks a lot!
I’ve activated Yoast SEO plugin on your site, and do not see any problem at first sight now. Please describe in more detail what exactly problem do you face?
It seems now it works fine. I will get back to you here if there will be any other problems on this within the next 1-2 weeks.
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Have a nice day!
Tagged: compatibility, plugin, themes, woocommerce, wordpress, xstore, yoast
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