can you let me know how I add a picture in here?
And can I make the search block in header pink too?
In mobile menu my drop down “shop” text is missing?
can you let me know how I add a picture in here?
And can I make the search block in header pink too?
In mobile menu my drop down “shop” text is missing?
Hope you can help
1. I need the header, menu and drop down menu to be color #f9e1e0
and the hoover color to be #FFD4D2 and not gray. big screen and mobile
1 is working on mobile when clicking product name.
Please see this website
when putting the mouse over the menu it gets pink. please try and see if you can help me get this effect on my menu, footer and product text please
1 and 2 is not working?
Thank you it works great:-)
Can you help me with 3 changes:
1. Can I change the header background to #f9e1e0
2. Can I cange hover color to #FFD4D2 (all linkable text, menu, footer ect)
3. Can I place this text in menu top bar after language switcher:
Levering 1-2 dage | 14 dages returret | Fragt 29 dkk
can you understand what I mean?
I will try.
on mobile, I have a drop down menu. The drop down start is “SHOP” but shop has a link and instead of dropping down when clicking on “shop”, it takes you to a product page.
I need “SHOP” to only drop down and show menu, and have the link removed.
hope you understand
Thank you. into works.
Can you please help me unable the link from my drop down menu “shop” in mobile menu?
I will try myself
Will you please do it for me.
It says my css has 2 errors that need corrections before I can save it in style.css
can you please access and try to paste it in and see if you can fix the errors
I found my custom css.
Will you please help me put in in the correct place please
I have installed “UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore” can you please find my custom css?
I have no idea how to find it
I will try to find it in my backup..
Can you please unable link from my mobile menu “shop”
will you reply please!
And this has happend before.
After theme udtage a lot of changes happend to my site. You fix it last time but I dont remember what you did.
I lost a lot of customizstion after this update
Before theme update, custom css was filled with css that I made. Now its all gone.
I realle need you to acess and do the tings you say
Thank you???
Any chance you will do this?
I found it in FTP. But how can I change the color?
In Ftp or Editor?
the video slider will start with a picture.
I dont know how to remove the picture that I have added to the video slider
thank you Rose
kind regards Catrine
Thank you. That is what I wanted.
Where do I paste in this css:
top-bar .languages-area {
width: 60%;
max-width: 60%;
.top-bar #icl_lang_sel_widget-2, .top-bar #text-3 {
display: inline-block;
.top-bar #text-3 {
float: right;
I do not have any css skills so I have to ask you for a css to place my content in center header top bar.
I have now placed text in my pink menu line on mobile device. but the pink line is getting very big. You placed this css to make it smaller earlier: @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.block-with-ico {
font-size: 0px;
margin-bottom: 20px !important;
When I change the margin bottom size, the pink line is not getting any smaller?
can you help?
I do not have any css skills so I have to ask you for a css to place my content in center header top bar.
I have now placed text in my pink menu line on mobile device. but the pink line is getting very big. You placed this css to make it smaller earlier: @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.block-with-ico {
font-size: 0px;
margin-bottom: 20px !important;
When I change the margin bottom size, the pink line is not getting any smaller?
can you help?
I do not have any css skills so I have to ask you for a css to place my content in center header top bar.