Please create a ticket at http://support.8theme.com/ regarding additional customization and our specialists will tell you the price.
Eva Kemp.
Hello @lennert@bsur.com,
Please provide us with FTP access in Private Content.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hello @brianec96,
Please provide us with FTP and admin panel credentials in Private Content.
Eva Kemp.
It should be fixed in future update. Unfortunately we don’t have exact date for now when it’ll be released. You can check for the update from time to time on our site http://themeforest.net/item/xmarket-responsive-wordpress-ecommerce-theme/3558432
Eva Kemp.
You can find code for “terms and conditions” of checkout page in the /wp-content/themes/legenda/woocommerce/checkout directory, file review-order.php (lines 182-187).
Eva Kemp.
You’re welcome.
I hope you’ll cope with it and a new installation will fix all issues.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Eva Kemp.
Unfortunately there is a bug in the theme. The pop up can’t be shown for variable products. If you want to have similar display for all products you have to disable pop up and only notification in green box will appear.
Sorry for inconveniences.
Eva Kemp.
As I see you’ve disabled mobile menu in style.css:
.et-menu-title { display: none; }
Also you have made a lot of customization in the child theme that might cause the issue. We recommend you to revert back to original files to check if it fixes the problem.
Also please note you don’t have to copy all codes from original style.css to the child theme, just write changes for the needed classes.
Eva Kemp.
I’ve just renamed plugins folder and got to wp-admin panel. So the problem is with one of your plugins. You can find out it by disabling one by one via FTP.
Eva Kemp.
Those are login details to wp-admin panel.
Please provide us with the ones to your FTP account (host, user, password, FTP port).
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Yes, that’s it. Your hosting provider should help you in creating the back up.
Eva Kemp.
You need to create a back up of your database and then import it into the new-installed site.
Eva Kemp.
I was managed to see the error, it appears only for non-logged users. Please provide us with FTP access.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
1. Do you mean a file for “New” icon? You can check the directory wp-content/themes/legenda/framework for the file theme-functions.php (line 282), you’ll find the path to “New” label there.
2. Please clarify what the difference is between our demo and your site? What are you trying to achieve?
3. 4. Login details to WP are incorrect. Please check them and provide us with the correct ones.
Thank you.
5. You can upload screenshot image to some storage and provide us with the link to the image.
Eva Kemp.
We’re glad you was managed to resolve the issue.
If you need more help don’t hesitate to contact us.
Eva Kemp.
Dear @wycameras,
Unfortunately due to all customization you’ve done and for the reason that some files are missed we recommend you to reinstall your site. Install clear WP, Woocommerce plugin (for some reason a few files are lost currently), then install our theme.
Please follow the instructions very carefully https://www.8theme.com/demo/docs/blanco/index.html#!/installation
We’re very sorry you had to experience such troubles but it’ll be better to install it from scratch.
Thank you for understanding.
Eva Kemp.
Do you want bullets to be shown for the list of this area?
Or do you want to create bullets listing for the whole content?
We appreciate if you clarify your requests with more details. Even you can show in screenshots what you’re trying to do.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Sorry, but it’s a bit unclear what you’re trying to achieve. Could you please specify what exactly you want to change on this page http://allardofficefurniture.co.uk/free-services/ ?
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
I’ve just checked checkout page in Firefox browser and haven’t seen the error. Could you please show us a screenshot of the page with the error?
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
I am unable to access this page http://allardofficefurniture.co.uk/free-services/?preview=true&preview_id=9272&preview_nonce=383f0bd66e getting an error “You do not have permission to preview drafts.”
Please check it.
Eva Kemp.
Could you please specify what exact problems you’re experiencing right now?
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Yes, IDstore supports child theme. Please read this article how to create it: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes
Eva Kemp.
Ok. Feel free to contact us anytime when it’s convenient for you.
Eva Kemp.
Unfortunately this is a bug with the translation in our theme which should be fixed in future update.
Meanwhile you can translate the text via files. To translate “Qty” open the file quantity-input.php in wp-content/themes/xmarket/woocommerce/global directory, find the code <label><?php _e('Qty:', ETHEME_DOMAIN); ?> </label>
(line 13) and replace “Qty” text with your own.
In the directory wp-content/themes/xmarket/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart open the file variable.php and edit the code echo '<a class="reset_variations" href="#reset">' . __( 'Clear selection', ETHEME_DOMAIN ) . '</a>';
(line 74) and translate “Clear selection” text to your language.
Please take our apologies for the inconveniences.
Eva Kemp.
Please read our documentation more attentively: https://www.8theme.com/demo/docs/legenda/index.html#!/registration_page
First of all allow the registration. Navigate to Settings > General > Membership and mark Anyone can register
Please follow this instruction to enable registration process.
Eva Kemp.
Please provide us with FTP and admin panel credentials in Private Content.
Eva Kemp.
I’ve updated review-order.php file and the notification has gone. As I see you have only one file review-order.php in wp-content/themes/blanco/woocommerce/checkout directory. Have you removed the rest ones? Have you reinstalled woocommerce plugin when recreating the site?
Eva Kemp.
Please provide us with FTP and admin panel credentials.
Eva Kemp.
Hello @dinnae,
Unfortunately we don’t have a new release date for now. You can update Woocommerce to the latest version. If the notification still remains please provide us with FTP and admin panel credentials in Private Content and we’ll update needed woo files.
Eva Kemp.
This requires additional customization and it’s not for free. Unfortunately our specialists are unable to assist you on this customization due to much amount of work. Sorry. If you have needed skills you may try to make modifications yourself.
Eva Kemp.