Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Number of days | Antall dager | Details | |
Days type | Type dager | Details | |
Set count of days. | Angi antall dager. | Details | |
Set max count of days. In other words: From x days to Y days. | Angi maksimalt antall dager. Med andre ord: Fra x dager til Y dager. | Details | |
Set max count of days. In other words: From x days to Y days. Angi maksimalt antall dager. Med andre ord: Fra x dager til Y dager.
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Max days | Maks antall dager | Details | |
Set minimum count of days. In other words: From X days to y days. | Angi minimum antall dager. Med andre ord: Fra X dager til y dager. | Details | |
Set minimum count of days. In other words: From X days to y days. Angi minimum antall dager. Med andre ord: Fra X dager til y dager.
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Min days | Min dager | Details | |
Days Range | Dager Intervall | Details | |
Date type | Type dato | Details | |
Estimated delivery: | Beregnet levering: | Details | |
Write title for estimated delivery output | Skriv tittel for estimert leveringsutgang | Details | |
Write title for estimated delivery output Skriv tittel for estimert leveringsutgang
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Text before | Tekst før | Details | |
Show estimated delivery on your single products. | Vis estimert levering på enkeltproduktene dine. | Details | |
Show estimated delivery on your single products. Vis estimert levering på enkeltproduktene dine.
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Specify time after which the product sales cache is cleared. | Spesifiser etter hvilken tid produktsalgsbufferen skal tømmes. | Details | |
Specify time after which the product sales cache is cleared. Spesifiser etter hvilken tid produktsalgsbufferen skal tømmes.
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Cache Lifespan | Cacheens levetid | Details | |
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