To make theme compatible with the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin add the following code in child theme functions.php:

add_action('after_setup_theme', 'etheme_wc_image_slider_support', 2);
function etheme_wc_image_slider_support () {
    add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' );

Create woocommerce/single-product folders in the child theme. Add product-image.php and product-thumbnails.php files from the woocommerce plugin into the single-product folder.

This code:

.quick-view-popup .images, .single-product-page .images {
	visibility: visible;
.flex-control-nav {
	display: block;

should be added in style.css file of the child theme.

If you face any problems with this, contact our support team via support forum.