General setup

Since WooPress is WPML compatible theme, you can translate a template to a language of your choice. You will need to purchase a recent version of WPML, including the String Translation and Translation Management modules.

Follow the Getting Started Guide after installing the core WPML plugins.

To initiate translation, go to WPML > Theme and Plugin Localization. Click onScan the theme for strings. You will see the theme strings and which ones are translated. Then select WPML > String translation and a list of the strings in the theme will be available. Choose the string you need to translate and select the translation link to add translations to languages.

Custom post types

To translate the custom post types and taxonomies (static blocks, projects, testimonials), go to WPML > Translation Management. Select Multilingual Content Management.

Navigate to Custom Posts where you can choose the translations for Projects, Static Blocks, Testimonials.

Navigate to Custom taxonomies to choose the translations for Brands and Portfolio Categories.